Elementary School Simpson Elementary School (770) 417-2400
Middle School Pickneyville Middle School (770) 263-0860
High School Norcross High School (770) 448-3674
School District
Gwinnett County Public Schools
Education Department
Georgia Department of Education
(404) 656-2800

Electricity Georgia Power (888) 660-5890
Natural Gas Georgia Gas providers
Water Gwinnett County Water and Sewer (770) 822-8000
Garbage Peachtree Corners
Waste Management

(404) 794-6707
Telephone/Internet/ TV AT&T
Direct TV
Dish Network
Newspaper Atlanta Journal and Constitution
Gwinnet Daily Post
Dunwoody Crier
Neely News
Post Office Norcross Post Office
City Government City of Peachtree Corners (678) 691-1200
County Government Gwinnett County (770) 822-8000

Driver Resources
License Plate/Tags Department of Motor Vehicle
Department of Motor Vehicle - online
Driver's License Motor Vehicle Services
Motor Vehicle Services - online
Emmissions Georgia Clean Air Force (800) 449-2471

Local Interest
Old Norcross Old Historic Norcross (770) 448-2122
Alpharetta Alpharetta Welcome Center (678) 297-2811
Johns Creek Johns Creek Convention and Visitors (404) 370-2044
Roswell Historic Roswell Visitors Center (770) 640-3253

 Solicitations. (Circulated by the Better Business Bureau)
If you want to have your name deleted from commercial mailing lists as well as nonprofit solicitation organizations, write to:

Mail Preference Service
Direct Marketing Association
P.O. Box 643
Carmel, NY 10512

 To remove your name form telephone solicitation lists, write to:

Telephone Preference Service
Direct Marketing Association
P.O. Box 1559
Carmel, NY 10512


Stop the Flow of Junk Mail

Junk mail is a triple threat: It tries your patience, jeopardizes your identity and spoils the environment. But without too much effort, you can give yourself peace of mind and an uncluttered mailbox.
Registar with the Direct Marketing Association to remove your name from its national mailing list. The service is $2 online, or $3 by mail. 

Reject preapproved offers from credit card companies by visiting calling 888-567-8688.

Sign up free at: the site will do the grunt work to get you off mailing lists for catalogues you don't want. 

Pay a $20 annual fee, and GreenDimes will remove your name from catalogue and other direct-mail lists, plus plant up to 10 trees.

For $41, - named for the weight in junk mail the average adult receives each year -- will contact several dozen direct-mail companies on your behalf. In addition, $15 of your fee goes to your choice among the group's nonprofit affiliates.